Creature Quotidian

Friday, July 17, 2009

Weekly Post Number Two. Something old, Something new.

Another post so soon? But these aren't new! These are old! What kind of flim-flam operation are you running?

It took me for freaking ever to paint the monstrosity you see above. I hate photoshop, making my artwork look ridiculously lame. Below is the "old" portion of our segment.Ok ok, I'll draw something new for the next post, jeeeez.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Fatal Fetal

Most stories are based on how the artist see's the world, but when he see's the world through his own creations that could get a little confusing.

Try, if you will, imagining the state of mind I was in-
While I was still in a stupor of fat and rejection I used to bottle up my anger. How does one go about re-entering society with a sea of anger and no container to contain it? That's when Fatal Fetal stepped out of the debris and asked to join me. The artist and his creation will learn in a world that allowed them to grow like an infestation in an alley, long forgotten... until now.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Weekly Post #1 (sumtin' new, sumtin' old... blue gold)

My first drawing of the year. Its been difficult to draw since school and work ended, but I have made a resolution to make a new post every week with at least one new and one old drawing. I'm already a week behind, but since its my first post who will notice really? I know this drawing sucks but I'm still a lil' rusty ok? Check out that background, its all about the background here (click it to enlarge). But Omar, wheres the old drawing?

Oh, there it is. Wow, you almost forgot! But why the old drawing at all? Better yet, just post two old drawings, who will notice? Mom? No. She doesn't know of my blog. No one does. :-(

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

12 year old coma

A 12 year old girl
And a 12 year old boy.
No love in the world
had as much joy.

Until one day
a baseball did fall
onto his head
cracking his skull
12 years in a coma
She visited daily
Her love was still strong
but she needed a family
But then one day
the phone rang, he's awake!
She gabbed her daughter
she could not wait!
After 12 long years,
she should be happy, not wanting to hurl.
But his mind was still 12
and more interested in her girl.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pardon my Fanarts

I'm just a simple man that likes to fanart onto people (mostly Jhonen)

This is where I would have put a simple 'read more' link keeping my blog nice and neat, but I'm not about to hack into my html. Its just not something that I feel is necessary to do in this day and age. Plus, I tried to hack into it and I was unable to figure it out, but it sounds better to say I'm unwilling that admiting that I'm unable. I do that a lot. Want to see some more fanarts? More after the cut. (click to READ MORE!)